Tuesday, September 23, 2008

7 1/2 Years of George Bush

One of my moms friends, Belva , sent this to me in a FW. Most times I delete FW, cause they are threats or just plain foolishness. For example....FW this to 10 people or you will die....FW this to 10 people or you don't believe in God....FW this to 10 people or you're not my friend....lol...get the point....anyhoo....this one is so awesome.....especially now, during a time when our economy is in so much trouble and things are getting worse....especially before our upcoming election....something to really think about!!!!...............I don't know the original author or who compiled these facts....but they did an AWESOME job!!!

Please read and really think about this....................

George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine.
A little over one year ago:

1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;

2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;

3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.

4) the DOW JONES hit a record high--14,000 +

5) American's were buying new cars, taking cruise vacations.

But American's wanted 'CHANGE'! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress and yes--we got 'CHANGE' all right. In the PAST YEAR:

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted ;

2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing;

3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase)

4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping;

5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.

6) as I write, THE DOW is probing another low.






Truer words have never been spoken.....I've not always been a faithful follower of Christ and I know I've sinned, but I also know that I have faith and trust in a forgiving, loving God and I know he gave his only begotten son, so that I may have an everlasting life.....believe this!!! It's in the Holy Bible John 3:16.....I Love Jesus Christ, My Lord and Saviour...Have a blessed evening and go to bed knowing that there is hope to be found if you put your faith and trust in God...Hugs, Sheri

Jimmy's "BIG DAY"

Yeah it's obvious from the cake that Mommy was lacking in her "Betty Crocker" skills for this years cake....LOL....My precious little man didn't mind though!!! My "Little man"....getting so big....I let him splurge and get a shaved ice drink!
Jammer LOVES these rides....he couldn't ride this one with Davie though {like he really cared....Not!!!}
Daddy and Jimmy....they had a blast!!!

Thanks for looking....It was a fun day...Hugs, Sheri

Thank You Mom & Sis

Sorry I took so long to get these posted.....My oldest son celebrated his 4th birthday on the 14th of this month and we celebrated by taking him to Chuckles { alot like Chuckie Cheese}. He had a BLAST!!! Him and Daddy rode the go karts and he played games and we had a cake and pizza...good times!!!!

I traded the clothes that my Mom and Sis got for him, cause he's so skinny and yet can wear a size 4 top, but needs a size 3 pants, since he has CP and is working with only 1 hand I try and get pants he can try and manuever on his own....so I traded clothes and promised I post the pics....I love you both so very much....Thank you for everything is never enough for All you both do for us....Hugs to you both.....

I finally have an opportunity to get the pics posted from the gifts I re-purposed for Jimmy's and David's Sunday school teachers and Nursery workers that they used to have before the new Church year started.....I bought small photo books from walgreens and simply decorated them....they was really fun to do and a great gift idea when you need to let someone know you appreciate them, without having to spend a fortune......

I used DCWV paper and cuttlebug letters and cuttlebug swiss dot folder along with a bit of inking on this one Cuttlebug flowers embossing folder and cuttlebug letters and more DCWV letters and inked edges
Cuttlebug swirls embossing folder, cuttlebug heart dies, cricut cart MM for the scallops, DCWV paper , I printed the "Captured Moments" from the computer, using word perfect 10 (I love this method...it's cheaper than stamps and you can pick your own sayings)
cuttlebug letter dies, assorted prima flowers, cuttlebug embossing for tiny feet and heart folder embossing, DCWV paper and a heart brad
Thank you for taking the time to look....these were so much fun to make...any questions feel free to e-mail me and I will share....Hugs, Sheri

Monday, September 15, 2008

Thought for the day

It's amazing how when you're walking with Christ you are brand new and old things are passed away.....2 Cor 5:17. Bitterness and petty things are all behind you when you trust in Christ. You don't have to make an appointment to have fellowship with your best friend (Christ), all you need to do is get down on your hands and knees and talk with him. What a beautiful relationship. You don't have to ask what your getting out of your friendship (with Christ), I prefer to ask what I can do for him.He (Christ Jesus) already paid "THE ULTIMATE PRICE",by dying on the cross for my sins.Who else would do that for you or me when you really think about it? The only thing Jesus asks of me is to have Faith in Him. To Live by his judgements and commandments
He's asking so little of me or any other person that Believes in Him! People that don't put their trust In the King of all Kings just want to hang on to all the worldly things. They want to carry the weight of their burdens on their shoulders and remain miserable in there material lives. If they could only figure out that He will bring Peace and Joy to their lives! I've never been so happy in my whole life since I gave my heart to Jesus!!! Salvation through Him(Jesus Christ) Is something that nobody can take from me! Not even your so called friends! It's a friendship that All Christians know , never ends.It's a Love that never dies! No matter what! If you're a TRUE Christian and a True follower of Christ than you KNOW forgiveness, you know people make mistakes, you know that nobody, except Christ, is perfect, but as a Christian you turn to your best friend (Jesus Christ), instead of allowing those things to rule you. Hugs and Love to all, Sheri....Living for JESUS!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

catchin' up

I know it's been a good while and I've been good and BUSY, as usual. This past Sunday I startd teaching my Sunday school class. It was AWESOME. We had 6 precious little ones, 3 boys and 3 girls. Jimmy was of course in there and he acted up, as I knew he would, LOL. I'm going to try and get to the Church tomorrow to do my bulletin board.
I went for my GED orientation this afternoon. That will defiantly be CHALLENGING, but I know with prayer and The Good Lords help and blessing, I will be able to overcome it. I was shocked by the material you are now expected to know in schools today...WOW!!! I didn't realize how easy I had it, back in the day....LOL!!I've been working on a few projects, in between spare time, AS IF!!!, for the teachers that Jimmy had and the workers that David had, in the nursery, since the Church's fiscal year just ended. Once I get them finished I will post pics. It was a very in-expensive gift, but I re-purposed them. They have been fun to work on.
It's been a short week, or so it seems. I actually can't believe it's already Tuesday. Well enough for now. I need to get back to a few projects before putting the little ones down. Hugs & Love, Sheri G

Monday, September 1, 2008


Jimmy was out of school today and so I've stayed fairly busy and thought I'd take a few to write a bit. What an AWESOME weekend!!! I was baptized yesterday along with 2 others... they was both much younger than me, but I truly felt so young @ heart, so BRAND NEW and feel like I've got a new lease on life. God is so AMAZING.
Why so many are afraid of him and turn him away, is something I can't understand, at this point in my life. I wasted my youth on the devil and my precious LORD gets my old, tired body, that has nothing to give, but my heart and the rest of my life commited to learning His LIVING WORDS{ I LOVE THE HOLY BIBLE!!!!!} and sharing them with others whenever the opportunity presents itself , which I do SO HAPPILY!!!
I truly want to be the best Christian I can be and NEVER return to my sinful ways and wrongdoings.
This afternoon the boys were down for a nap and me and Martin was watching "The Passion of the Christ" You talk about a captivating movie.....What a beautiful man Jesus is.....I love him with ALL my heart, without him in my life I am NOTHING!!!! That movies tears me up SO BAD......How you could not be touched by the Holy Spirit, with that movie, then you're just UNTOUCHABLE.
Well it's time to get the little stinkers in their beds.....Hugs to all and remember this one important FACT......JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Sheri..........................