Monday, September 1, 2008


Jimmy was out of school today and so I've stayed fairly busy and thought I'd take a few to write a bit. What an AWESOME weekend!!! I was baptized yesterday along with 2 others... they was both much younger than me, but I truly felt so young @ heart, so BRAND NEW and feel like I've got a new lease on life. God is so AMAZING.
Why so many are afraid of him and turn him away, is something I can't understand, at this point in my life. I wasted my youth on the devil and my precious LORD gets my old, tired body, that has nothing to give, but my heart and the rest of my life commited to learning His LIVING WORDS{ I LOVE THE HOLY BIBLE!!!!!} and sharing them with others whenever the opportunity presents itself , which I do SO HAPPILY!!!
I truly want to be the best Christian I can be and NEVER return to my sinful ways and wrongdoings.
This afternoon the boys were down for a nap and me and Martin was watching "The Passion of the Christ" You talk about a captivating movie.....What a beautiful man Jesus is.....I love him with ALL my heart, without him in my life I am NOTHING!!!! That movies tears me up SO BAD......How you could not be touched by the Holy Spirit, with that movie, then you're just UNTOUCHABLE.
Well it's time to get the little stinkers in their beds.....Hugs to all and remember this one important FACT......JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!!
Hugs, Sheri..........................

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