I was blessed to get pregnant with our last baby in Feb. of 2009 and we had another baby boy on November13th...we named Him Matthew Elijah and call him "Eli"...he's our last little Glup baby and such a precious gift from the Lord....we are truly blessed!!!
I have still been working on cards and little to NONE, "Scrapbooking", which I truly want to change...my biggest distraction is FACEBOOK and more than that "Farmtown"...well that and my boys...lol...they are without a doubt a handful, but worth every second!!!
I am currently homeschooling our oldest, he's in Kindergarten and it's defiantly been a blessing that I am able to do this. I hope and pray that I will be able to home school our other two, God willing.....I still worry about whether or not I am getting through to him, but i know a lot of it is due to the fact that it's my first time doing something I never thought I'd be capable of and have the patience for, but God does answer prayer and has truly brought me so far with my confidence in teaching our precious son. He still struggles with some of the math and lang. arts, but the great thing is, I can work with him, one on one, unlike the environment he's be getting in a public or private school.
We are just coming through the mad month of Sept. where it seems like everyone has a B-day, in our family, whether it be Me, Jimmy, My Mom, FIL, brother, you name them...lol...I've had an awesome B-day and come Oct.the 11th, I will get the rest of my Birthday/ Christmas gift:0) My hubby was so good to me and bought me a new Cricut Imagine, so I'm SUPER EXCITED to soon be getting it!!! I hope and pray it's not a dud, like some of the customers have been complaining about....HSN had an awesome offer on launch night and so I was hooked and the more videos I see the more excited i get....I only wish it may one day be compatible with SCAL, which is my mostest favorite asset to crafting!!!
I will try and post some of the items that I've created through the absence and will try my best to keep updated on my blog, which i truly miss!!!!
Have a Blessed Day:0)